2021 TAC Outreach Survey–Your feedback will help us shape the community

At the end of each year, the Toronto Agile Community organizers hold a retrospective to consider how things went and what we’d like to do differently for the upcoming year. Our 2020 review was no different, except our events were virtual, and the uncertainty of COVID-19 was still a factor. The fact that vaccines were starting to roll out offered some light at the end of the tunnel regarding the possibility of having a live event later in 2021, which encouraged us to look beyond our usual areas of focus.

From our 2020 review, we created a vision looking forward—Vision 2020++. A vital element of this future view was expanding our audience and reaching beyond the technology sector. We also realized that to expand our reach and establish new connections, we also needed to update our understanding of our current audience. A survey seemed like the best way to:

  • Collect insights on our current audience via our existing contacts list
  • Identify new communities in other sectors through marketing in other channels

The survey is available here: 2021 TAC Outreach Survey

Your feedback will be appreciated and helpful—whether you’ve attended a TAC event in the past and are familiar with us, or you’re new to Agile and want to learn more about how it could apply to your sector and role.

Thank you!