with Fernando Cuenca
September 27, 2023, 6:00 to 7:00 PM
In-person and online
– This will be a hybrid event with both in-person and on-line attendees.
– The number of in-person tickets available will be limited to 40, once we run out on-line tickets will continue to be sold.
– The in-person address is 200 Adelaide St. West, 2nd Floor.
– Light snacks and drinks will be provided.
– To register, please visit Eventbrite:
In Person Attendees
Online Attendees
– Cost: Free
Have you found that your agile teams have reached an improvement ceiling they don’t seem to be able to break through, or that their retros keep exposing lingering frustrations that don’t seem to go away?
Continuous improvement is an important principle in Agile, yet it’s not uncommon to find teams in this predicament. It can be easy (even tempting?) to find reasons connected to “motivation” (or “caring”), or insufficient training, etc. But, as much as that may be the case, it often leads a change agent or coach down roads that may not have enough pragmatism to break the stagnation cycle.
An approach based on deep understanding of how the work flows (or doesn’t) can serve as the missing catalyst to reenergize teams.
In this session, Fernando will be covering how you can help teams understand where their frustrations are coming from, and how to spot actionable improvement opportunities, and more importantly, who is in the position to implement them (spoiler alert: often, this person is not sitting in the workshop).